Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Strengths Rule!

I serve on a volunteer Board of Directors. Because it is a volunteer position, and we have a few standing committees, but lots of ad hoc committees, board members clearly have the opportunity to play to their strengths every time we meet. Jan, who has analytical and detail strengths not only serves on the Finance Committee, but she is always first to volunteer for any projects that require data review and analysis. Nancy is organized and structured -- perfect for the Board Chair role! She also writes very well, and it a final editor on most everything. Dan, new on the board, has strengths in humor and vulnerability. He's always willing to ask questions -- and we are all grateful for the clarity (and often, laughter) that emerges.

It intrigues me that, when given the option, we naturally and easily gravitate towards our our unique hand of strengths, producing not only success, but also joy and satisfaction!


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